menusgabor: Novus ordo seclorum - Az új világrend 2.
rendszer és Hitler finanszírozásában. E két pénzintézet hatékony támogatása nélkül a bolsevikok nem tudták volna megszilárdítani hatalmukat Oroszországban. Averell Harriman később a Lend Lease-ért (kölcsönbérleti szerződés programmért) felelős miniszter lett, s ekkor egész gyárakat szállított a Szovjetuniónak. Egyes kutatók szerint Harriman részt vett a nukleáris fegyverekre vonat
2023-05-15 20:30:43
lambert: Csapó Endre : Karácsony a béke ünnepe...
gazgasági vonalon soha nem szűnt meg. A hidegháború politikai színdarab. A nemzetközi pénzérdekeltség horribilis összeggel finanszírozta a háború utáni győztes Szovjetuniót. (A háború alatti Lend-Lease hitelt az amerikai néppel fizetteték meg.) Egy tönkerevert, tönkrement országot kellett talpraállítani, hogy képes legyen a világcsendőri feladatra. (Armand Hammer missziója csak a
2014-12-16 20:39:42
onallovelemeny: Ez történt ma
border. The planes occupants were carrying details of the German plans, which alerted the Belgium and Dutch governments to German intentions.

1941: Roosevelt introduces his 'Lend Lease' bill to the House of Representatives as House Resolution 1776 (H.R. 1776), after recognizing that neither Britain or China could continue paying indefinitely for material supplied. This
2014-01-10 22:11:55
onallovelemeny: Ez történt ma
commander General Vinogradov, authorizes the remainder of his troops to try escape back to Russian lines.

1941: President Franklin D. Roosevelt asks Congress to support the Lend-lease Bill to help supply the Allies.

1941: In his annual message to Congress, President Roosevelt announces the "Five Freedoms".

1941: Churchill demands that troops be
2014-01-06 22:05:19
eladasos: Ez történt - November 11.-én
Eltart még néhány évszázadig, amíg az evolúció révén megtörténik az, ami nem történik meg forradalom révén", mondja Hitler a főhadiszállásán.

1942: The United States extends Lend-Lease aid to the Free French Forces under General de Gaulle.
2013-11-11 21:18:55
eladasos: Ez történt - Október 31.-én
first US naval casualty in the hitherto undeclared war between Germany and the United States that existed after President Roosevelt authorised the use of American naval vessels to escort Lend-Lease convoys bound for Britain.

1941: British air raid casualties in October remain low at 262 killed. RAF raid occupied Europe on all but six days with Hamburg and Cologne bombed
2013-10-31 22:44:16
eladasos: Ez történt - Október 29.-én
which portrayed the changes that wartime wrought on the 'home front', starring alongside Gordon Jackson.

Her brief move to Hollywood to film "Canyon Passage" (1946) was a lend lease agreement between Rank Pictures and Universal Studios of British in return for American film actors. During filming, Roc was romantically linked with Ronald Reagan, while her US co-star Sus
2013-10-29 21:57:14
piroska0101: Ez történt - Szeptember 16- án
frontier. At this point the Italians halt their offensive and begin to construct a number of fortified camps.

1941: The US announce that it will provide escort for ships carrying Lend-Lease material up to 26°W, which meant that clashes with U-boats would become more likely.

1941: Guderian's Panzer Group 2 and Kleist's Panzer Group 1 meet east of Kiev, trappin
2013-09-16 17:44:03
eladasos: Ez történt - Szeptember 16.-án
frontier. At this point the Italians halt their offensive and begin to construct a number of fortified camps.

1941: The US announce that it will provide escort for ships carrying Lend-Lease material up to 26°W, which meant that clashes with U-boats would become more likely.

1941: Guderian's Panzer Group 2 and Kleist's Panzer Group 1 meet east of Kiev, trapp
2013-09-16 10:22:18
eladasos: Ez történt - Szeptember 7.-én
that 347 German aircraft have been lost in past week against just 128 British.

1941: The offensive of the German 20th Mountain Army in northern Finland to capture the vital Lend-Lease port of Murmansk, Russia, comes to a halt.

1941: The German 6
2013-09-07 01:39:08
eladasos: Ez történt - Június 11.-én
officers, "I would have no wish to live any longer." Kitzelmann's wish is granted. He is shot by a firing squad that day.

1942: The United States and the Soviet Union signed a lend lease agreement to aid the Soviet war effort.

1942: Simultaneous British convoys set sail for Malta from Gibraltar and Alexandria. The Gibraltar convoy (codenamed ' Harpoon'), co
2013-06-11 09:09:22
eladasos: The State of Israel - The First 25 Years
possible there and set them against the native Arab population, causing enmity between them. They gave every encouragement to Jewish settlers to buy land from ruined Arab landlords, whereupon lease holding peasants were driven off their plots. They gave opportunities to the settlers in trade, money lending and small scale industries. Thus the Jewish settlers had the money to set u
2013-06-08 11:55:57

Csapó Endre, Averell Harriman, Lend Lease-ért, Armand Hammer, Lend Lease, House Resolution, United States, Free French Forces, President Roosevelt, Gordon Jackson, Canyon Passage, Rank Pictures, Universal Studios, Ronald Reagan, Panzer Group, Mountain Army, Soviet Union, Simultaneous British, béke ünnepe, nukleáris fegyverekre, hidegháború politikai, nemzetközi pénzérdekeltség, háború utáni, háború alatti, amerikai néppel, világcsendőri feladatra,
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